
Showing posts from January, 2013

Are you part of the problem, or the solution?

Bullying. It's one of the main issues on everyone's radar these days. We hear stories from our friends or our kids; feature films double as public service announcements highlighting the consequences of schoolyard or online bullying; news programs report on teenagers who have been teased and tormented to their breaking point and see no other option but to take their own lives. We talk about the need to stand up to bullies. We are all encouraged to speak up and speak out for our peers, for those who may feel helpless or defenseless against their perpetrators. We are taught that we should be a part of the solution, or else we are part of the problem. I believe these are all strong, powerful, and necessary messages. They challenge us all to do more and discourage us from turning a blind eye to a problem that I believe is societal, not individual, in nature. We often hear these messages in relation to school-age bullying. As adults, we might have the tendency to think that b