
Showing posts from March, 2012

Check-in calls - yay or nay?

I have been out of the private practice loop for a couple of months now because I haven't been getting too many referrals. I have a couple of 'regular' clients who generally tend to book every one to three weeks with me, but they haven't called to rebook sessions for a while now. I've thought about calling them to  'check in' since it's been so unlike them to leave so much time between sessions, but am torn as to whether this would be a good idea or not. On the one hand, check-in calls could reassure clients that you're there for them even when they aren't physically in session with you, and that you cared enough to follow up and see if they're okay. They might feel appreciative of having the opportunity to talk about anything troubling or stressful that might be going for them, and the call could serve as a friendly reminder that support remains available should they wish to resume therapy in the future. On the other hand, checking in c