
Showing posts from November, 2011

Men are from Mars...

The majority of clients I see in my private practice are female. I have noticed that I tend to approach therapy from a different perspective when I see male clients, and I decided I might share some of my thoughts on the subject here. Although this has not always been the case, I've noticed some patterns that have often occurred amongst my male clients: Less willingness (ability?) to discuss their issues in terms of feeling and emotion; Attending sessions because others (i.e., their girlfriends or wives) want them to, not because they really want or feel they need to be there;  Wanting quick, immediate answers to their problems (which sometimes leads to pushiness or impatience).  Unwillingness to explore seemingly unrelated matters (i.e., childhood issues, relationships with parents [past or present], relationships with other people).  I've also come to realize that sometimes I might approach therapy differently not because these patterns exist, but because I have a p

Changes, they are a-coming...

Recently, I've started putting the feelers out for other work opportunities. A couple of prospects seem quite promising, and while it's exciting to think about transitioning into something new, it's creating a lot of anxiety as well because it will require me having to make some big decisions, all by myself...a skill I have yet to fully master. There are other correctional centres (at a higher level of government) that might be available and that I have been told I would be a very good candidate for, given my experience. I submitted a resume and a good friend who works there already says she put in a good word for me. It's been several weeks and I haven't yet heard anything back...... even though the hiring manager pushed my friend to push me to get my resume in ASAP. I'm  weary of the time it's taken for him to get back to me and I'm wondering how viable an option this will really wind up being. The more promising option is this. I recently met with