Counselling Connect

Over the weekend I stumbled onto a blog that seems to be exactly what I've been searching for in terms of practical ideas for counselling rather than just overviews of various theories and methodologies. It is the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)'s Counselling Connect, the "new blog where you will find stories, perspectives and ideas about the profession of counselling and psychotherapy in Canada." 

So far I love it, and I hope you will too! I've already been inspired by new ideas for my own practice as well as information on continuing education and certification courses that are available to me. The tags are very helpful in bringing you to the specific posts that will be of most interest/relevance to you. My only real disappointment is that, so far, there doesn't seem to be very much in the way of commenting or discussions. I am hesitant to leave many comments of my own as a result -- cue memories of being back in the classroom and nervous about being the first one to raise my hand to ask a question :-\ 

Hopefully I'll become brave enough to leave a few. But even if I don't, I am sure it will spark many new ideas for my own writings back here in my little corner of the Internet. Speaking of which, new postings are currently in the works... please stay tuned.  
